
Conservative Libertarian by logic … gay by default

A Rare Voice Of Truth In Copenhagen

Posted by mytimbuk2 on December 17, 2009

After having lived on the Space Coast of Florida for what sometimes seemed like a seven year holiday, I moved back to Oklahoma because of friends & family… I think. Probably more so, that there was an emptiness from the memories of my life in Oklahoma which would essentially prove to not ever be recaptured or relived. I’ve often been asked why I made such a move, and sometimes I ponder the question. But aside from the new friends I’ve made, it is moments like reading the blog post below about Oklahoma’s own Sen. Jim Inhofe bravely standing up to the foolery from the circus in Copenhagen, when few others would dare. This makes me proud to be from Oklahoma, and I hesitate to think how this great, patriotic state will ever be able to replace him.

The leading global warming skeptic in the U.S. Senate shocked reporters in Copenhagen with a dose of American reality with his prediction Thursday morning that the U.S. Senate will not pass a carbon ‘cap and trade’ bill, regardless of the commitment President Obama is expected to make here tomorrow.

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