
Conservative Libertarian by logic … gay by default


Behold, true diversity and contrariety to the assumed political aspirations and associations of the GLBT voter. There are some of us who refuse to drink the Kool-Aid.

Before each election, the favored party of the gay, lesbian and victimized, dangle trinkets and beads with promises of new favorable legislation and equal rights, which inevitably become unimportant or too difficult of an issue once elected. Even with a democrat majority, about the only thing ever accomplished to directly effect change regarding homosexuals was Bill Clinton’s “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”. And you think this was good? Most so called accomplishments or new legislation proposed by democrats usually result in the forfeiture of rights by others. Sadly, the huge majority of gays and lesbians tend to think and act as a group and have become puppets to the democrat party, routinely casting their votes with blatant disregard for the end result on individual liberty and justice for the rest. The very things for which they claim to be striving, they are slowly allowing to be taken away. Many I’ve spoken with vote as gays and lesbians, not as Americans. And why this blind support?

You cannot defeat or overcome ignorance and hate by responding with more ignorance and hate. Nor can you legislate it. You conquer it through tolerance, education and example while upholding and honoring the principles and tradition of free speech and expression.

It seems detrimental to me to rally with the party which, through their ongoing actions, show outright disregard for those ideals and instead are working towards a socialist democracy…with disturbing success. It is difficult for me to understand or accept that this is the actual objective of so many American citizens.

There are good merits and there are extremists on both sides of the isle, but many of us might be found somewhere here in the middle, able to work together to accomplish common good if it weren’t for two self-serving, special interest political party’s demanding allegiance to one or the other.

Take the quiz!

Take the quiz!

Have you ever taken the World’s Smallest Political Quiz to find out where you really stand? Many people are surprised to find out where they actually fit in. Perhaps they’ve been listening much too closely to party rhetoric instead of voting their own heart.

Our objective here is to provide informative articles, resources and opinions that promote true diversity and assist in educating the misguided bulk of the GLBT voter, as well as others, who are blindly assisting the liberal, left-wing socialist element in the erosion of our liberties and freedoms under the guise of doing just the opposite. Hopefully, we can influence the party of conservatism to re-establish itself as the party of the Constitution, keeping religious bias out of government and government out of personal lives. Hopefully we can persuade those that have drifted far to the left to break away from the ideology that government can provide and fix everything. I urge you, seek out the truth, discover or regain your independent thinking and gaze to the right.